Bob Dylan’s Savoy Hotel

Here, behind London’s famous Savoy Hotel, at the intersection of Savoy Hill Road and a dead-end alley called Savoy Steps, was shot the videoclip of Bob Dylan‘s Subterranean Homesick Blues as the opening of Don’t Look Back, directed and produced by D. A. Pennebaker, which documented Bob Dylan’s 1965 tour of England.

The cue cards were written by Donovan, Allen Ginsberg and Bob Neuwirth (both visible in the video), and Dylan himself. Mine were written by my lovely wife.

Address: Savoy Hill, London WC2R 0BU

Published by rockandrollogist

Please allow me to introduce myself: I'm the Rockandrollogist 😈 🎸 πŸ”Ž πŸ“– 🌎 πŸ“Έ "Without Geography, we're nowhere. Without Rock & Roll, we'd be lost."

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