Pindar of Wakefield/The Water Rats

Originally built in 1517, prior to 1985 this pub was called the Pindar of Wakefield. The existing building, built in 1878 (the former was destroyed in a thunderstorm in 1793), allegedly had among its punters both Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx (who apparently boarded in one of the rooms upstairs). Here, in December 1962, a young (and not yet famous) Bob Dylan gave his first English folk performance.

Later, on the 4th of October 1982 The Pogues played their first gig here. Oasis debut performance in London also took place at the venue on 27 January 1994.

Address: 328 Grays Inn Rd, Kings Cross, London WC1X 8BZ

Published by rockandrollogist

Please allow me to introduce myself: I'm the Rockandrollogist 😈 🎸 🔎 📖 🌎 📸 "Without Geography, we're nowhere. Without Rock & Roll, we'd be lost."

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