Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club

This is a jazz club – and quite a greatΒ one if you considered that has beenΒ operating since 1959 – but has gained his place in rock history as the venue where Jimi Hendrix played his guitar in public for the last time,Β on the 16thΒ of September 1970, when he joined Eric Burdon and his band WarΒ on stage here.

As said, the club opened on 30 October 1959 but in a basement at 39 Gerrard Street, still in Soho, and moved to the current, larger, venueΒ  47 Frith Street in 1965.

Not everybody knows that Ronnie Scott played the tenor saxophone solo on The BeatlesLady Madonna, as Paul McCartney had befriended him at the club! He also played in the band who recorded Tommy Steele‘s hit Rock with the Caveman at Decca‘s West Hampstead studios in 1956.

Address: 47 Frith St, West End, London W1D 4HT

Published by rockandrollogist

Please allow me to introduce myself: I'm the Rockandrollogist 😈 🎸 πŸ”Ž πŸ“– 🌎 πŸ“Έ "Without Geography, we're nowhere. Without Rock & Roll, we'd be lost."

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