Apple Boutique

94 Baker Street was the site of the now dissolved Apple Boutique clothing store, owned in the 60s by Apple Corps Ltd, a company formed by The Beatles.

A blue plaque to John Lennon was already there and has been replaced with one that also remembers George Harrison, who died in 2001.

The plaque was unveiled in 2013 by Rod Davis, the banjo player in Lennon’s first band, The Quarrymen.

Address: 94 Baker St, Marylebone, London W1U 6FZ

Published by rockandrollogist

Please allow me to introduce myself: I'm the Rockandrollogist 😈 🎸 πŸ”Ž πŸ“– 🌎 πŸ“Έ "Without Geography, we're nowhere. Without Rock & Roll, we'd be lost."

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