The Beatles’ Rooftop Concert

The last public performance by The Beatles? Right here in Mayfair!

The band wanted to come up with a conclusion for their film documentary Let It Be and had talked about playing a concert on an ocean liner, an old flour mill or a Roman amphitheatre in North Africa.

Eventually, they decided to play an unannounced lunchtime concert on the roof of the Apple Corps building on Thursday 30th of January 1969, with keyboardist Billy Preston.

Address: 3 Savile Row, Mayfair, London W1S 3PB

Published by rockandrollogist

Please allow me to introduce myself: I'm the Rockandrollogist 😈 🎸 πŸ”Ž πŸ“– 🌎 πŸ“Έ "Without Geography, we're nowhere. Without Rock & Roll, we'd be lost."

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